For Parents

Welcome to Spy Skills for Girls, the official website for all things related to Spygirls and spying.

This book was written for all the girls who love to spy, and want to know the very best tips and tricks to make spying with their friends easy and fun. Everything has been tested and works. For example, some spy books will suggest several ways to write an invisible message, which don’t always work and can be frustrating for kids. The techniques in this book work every time, and with supplies that are easy to find and buy!

As a parent, there are many ways to support your Spygirl. Some fun ideas include shopping for supplies together – in the shops or online. You can create spy missions for them, like scavenger hunts with clues. You can even plan for spy-themed parties where the essential Spy Kit items from the book are either given to everyone at the start of the party or in a parting goodie-bag. I plan to share more ideas here on the website, and if you’re interested in keeping in touch, please join our mailing list.

Also in the works, are a series of easy-to-read chapter books that will follow the adventures of Anika, a fifth-grade student who suspects her teacher may be a spy. She’ll need to learn some spy skills quickly on order to solve the puzzle!

One final note: Through the voice of the narrator Devon Danby, I have encouraged the Spy girls to stick together to keep safe and to report any situations that make them feel uncomfortable to an adult.

Stay in touch

Stay tuned for activities, spy stories and new spy tips, tricks and supplies by joining our mailing list. If you’re under the age of 13, please ask your parent to sign up!

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